How is your heart feeling today?
How are you talking to yourself?
Our heart feels our deepest truths and every emotion arising from our thought patterns. Our physical heart is connected to our internal dialogue of accessing our inner wisdom and our ability to feel internally. Your Heart and its ability to create and analyse feeling states is the master key to communicating with your inner vibrational world.
Are you ready to let your heart do the talking and truly listen to it?
Then you have found the right place.
Doris Mounsey supports her clients to explore, experience, and embody their own Sacred Heart Wisdom.
Creating create balance, health and vitality on all levels:
- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
- and Spiritual
Your heart knows, and taking reflective time to listen to your Sacred Heart Wisdom opens you to see better choices and more possibilities to move forward.
When we connect to our Sacred Heart Wisdom and listen to our inner guidance, we start trusting ourselves and building spiritual self-esteem. We trust our inner knowing that we find the best solution for the highest good of all involved.
Coming from this heart-centred, holistic health science approach, Doris shares her wisdom and knowledge in:
Kinesiology sessions
Dru Yoga classes
Sacred Heart Wisdom Online courses
Retreats and Workshops
Feeling stressed, overwhelmed or anxious is a clear sign that we have separated from our inner knowing and our Sacred Heart Connection.
Kinesiology sessions, especially, are a fast way to return to Sacred Heart Harmony, allowing us to find our alignment, create stillness and connect to our inner guidance system again.
Weekly Dru Yoga classes offer continuous stress-release and guide you gently back to your inner knowing and true self. They provide the perfect balance between flowing movement and guided relaxation to reconnect you to your Sacred Heart Wisdom.
How does Sacred Heart Wisdom show up in your life?
Focusing on developing self-awareness around where you carry stress and how you internally talk to yourself allows you to find new, self-empowering ways to release stress, tension, old belief systems and subconscious fear.
Being in a state of balance and inner harmony allows you to feel calm, clear and connected.
Finding this state of balance and stillness in your heart allows you to connect to your inner wisdom and intuition.
Aligning with your inner guidance system connected you to your Sacred Heart Wisdom, your intuition and All-there-is.
Fine-tuning your inner alignment helps you to build self-trust, self-esteem and spiritual self-confidence.
Trust in our Sacred Heart Wisdom is trusting ourselves, and trusting ourselves lifts our confidence, curiosity, courage and creativity.
Learn more about Embodying the healing treasures of inner peace and harmony. Explore, experience, and embody your Sacred Heart Wisdom!
Available now in Amazon and Kindle Stores.
Sacred Heart Wisdom Community
I love to stay connected and share wisdom and knowledge with all my clients.
By joining my Heart Wisdom Community, you will receive your invite to all free events, online courses, workshops and yoga classes.