Kinesiology Session
90 min Kinesiology Session with Doris Mounsey for new clients or existing clients booking 6 months after their last appointment.
During this Kinesiology session, you have time to discuss all aspects of your stress issue, be guided by Doris to release the stress from your physical and energetic body, find peace and stillness in your heart and create heart-centred alignment in your body, mind and soul for the price of $150.00

Aromatic Kinesiology® session
Aromatic Kinesiology® as founded by Robbi Zeck allows you to release and transform stress by working with Essential Oils and Essential Oil reflections from Robbi’s book the Blossoming Heart.
Doris Mounsey, who has qualified in 2019 as the first accredited Aromatic Kinesiology® Facilitator and is a leading Aromatic Kinesiology® mentor for the AK Accreditation process, has specialised in taking clients on a gentle, yet very powerful journey of transformation using Aromatic Kinesiology®.
During an Aromatic Kinesiology® Session, Doris guides you to release deep-seated stress, find peace and stillness in your heart and create heart-centred alignment in your body, mind and soul.
Your Aromatic Kinesiology® Session is 90 minutes
and includes a 10ml Bottle of your bespoke Essential Oil Blend for the price of $175.00

Regular Kinesiology session
Regular Kinesiology sessions are designed for clients looking for ongoing support for a complex health issues or are dealing with a long-term stressful situation.
These regular Kinesiology sessions are also suited for clients who would like to maintain and support their healthy body, keep a balanced and calm mind and have good boundaries in caring relationships.
Regular Kinesiology sessions are priced at $95 and can only be booked at the end of your Standard Kinesiology session.
The booking intervals can be 3, 6 or up to 8 weeks to suit your current health goals and life situation.