Aromatic Kinesiology® Level One – The Path of Beauty

The Path of Beauty is a 20-hour workshop that gently guides you to explore aromatherapy and essential oils, learn and practice muscle response testing, and invite your heart’s wisdom to inspire emotional transformation and deeply relax your nervous system.

Date: Friday, 30 August to Sunday, 1 September 2024

Time: Friday, 4 pm to 8 pm, Saturday and Sunday All Day

Cost: $795

Venue: Blue Angel Reiki Centre
2/11-15 Leicester Avenue, Glen Waverley, Victoria 3152

Topics covered

  • How to use The Blossoming Heart book as a guide
  • The Essential Oil Reflections as metaphors for change
  • How to use the Aromatic Emotional Barometer chart
  • 60 essential oils and their paired emotions
  • The power of olfaction
  • Aromatic anchoring and goal-setting
  • How smell affects the brain
  • How essential oils influence our emotions
  • The importance of beauty
  • Muscle testing – a window to the subconscious
  • Emotional patterns and how they affect your health and well-being
  • Reframing emotional issues
  • Changing patterns of behaviour that are no longer useful
  • Emotional stress regulation to create calm in the nervous system
  • Acupressure points to release the congestion of emotional stress
  • Practices for heart reconnection
  • How to use the Blossoming Heart Affirmations
  • Releasing blocked emotional energy with ease
  • Heart Blossom acupressure points to settle the emotional heart
  • The importance of setting clear boundaries
  • Staying connected to your beautiful heart energy
  • Wellness strategies and the daily use of essential oils
  • Creating essential oil blends the Aromatic Kinesiology way
  • Blossoming Heart relaxation reflexes
  • Kinesiology – how to hear, feel and understand the body’s voice
  • Muscle testing as a window to the subconscious
  • Healing as a personal journey
  • The art of reflective and introspective practice
  • Creating alignment with your heart’s desires
  • How to use this work to turn your attention to forward focused living
  • Love, Grace and Gratitude as a daily practice
  • Beautiful rose flower meditation


Workshop Schedule

Friday:  4:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Saturday: 9:30 am – 5:30 pm

Sunday: 9:00 – 5:00 pm

What to bring

Your copy of The Blossoming Heart Book
(The Blossoming Heart Book is also available to purchase for $36 at the workshop.)

A journal and pen

A wrap and maybe warm socks for your comfort

Special snacks if you so desire

What you receive

A 70-page AK1 manual,
a laminated chart of the Aromatic Emotional Barometer and handouts.

All 60 essential oils in the Aromatic Kinesiology system are available for use during the workshop.

You will be creating several blends to take away with you.

A certificate of attendance at the close of the workshop – 24 hour
AK1 is currently registered for CPE points with both Kinesiology Associations in Australia: AKA & AIK

Venue & Details


Blue Angel Reiki Centre
11- 15 Leicester Avenue
Glen Waverley
VIC 3150, Australia


Available in front of the building

Public Transport

Buses 703/737 along Blackburn Road
Bus 623 along Waverley Road

Public Transport Victoria provides extensive information about public transport services, including timetables and routes.

If you use public transport in Melbourne, you must purchase and load money onto a Myki card. You can buy a Myki card at railway stations and most convenience shops.


There is a traditional Chinese Restaurant and McDonald’s at the intersection of Waverley Road and Blackburn Road. You can bring your own lunch.
Coffee, Tea, Herbal Teas and Snacks will be provided.

Terms and Conditions

Client Policies
Payment is required in full for all workshops/events with Doris Mounsey at the time of booking.

Booking Cancellation

If a cancellation occurs more than 30 days before a scheduled Aromatic Kinesiology workshop, the full amount, less a $100 booking fee, will be refunded. However, the participant may choose to transfer in full to the next available workshop without incurring the loss of the booking fee.

If cancellation occurs less than 30 days before a scheduled Aromatic Kinesiology workshop, the participant can transfer to the next available workshop for less than a $100 booking fee. No refund is available at this time.

Workshop Cancellation

Doris Mounsey reserves the right to cancel any workshop, for which case no liability shall fall upon Doris Mounsey. In this instance, participants’ payments will be refunded in full. No refund will be issued to those failing to join their workshop, for any services not utilised, or for a partially completed workshop. Doris Mounsey also reserves the right to decline to accept or retain any person as a member of the workshop at her own discretion.

Changes to Workshop Content

Doris Mounsey reserves the right to amend or vary the workshop content should circumstances warrant that such changes would be in the best interest of participants or any other operational reason.

Independent Suppliers

Doris Mounsey shall be held liable in no way for the acts, omissions, failures, or defaults of the persons or companies who, at Doris Mounsey’s request, provide venues, accommodation, products, or similar services or facilities.

Digital products / Book & Card purchases

Payment is required in full for online courses, mentoring calls, and book and card purchases.

These purchases are non-refundable.

If you are wondering if a product/service is right for you, then please take the time to explore my offerings and make a clear and informed decision before purchasing.

Book here

AK 1 from Friday, 30 August 2024 to 1 September 2024